Wednesday, July 5, 2017

17 Hilarious Examples Of Angry Drivers Getting Parking Revenge

Look, I get it. Maybe it's your first car and it took you forever saving up for it, or maybe it's brand new and you're terrified someone is going to scratch it by carelessly flinging their door into yours - but I've got news for you; no one else cares.  

Not when you take up two spots in a full parking lot, making someone late for school or work. No one wants to go to leave on a Monday morning and find you blocking their private driveway. The world does not revolve around you, or your car/truck/moped. And people have reached the point of fighting back. If you're lucky, they'll leave a note. But maybe they'll go and pull something like #16.

Do you really want to test your luck and hope no one will snap on your precious wheels? Then start parking like a human being or you'll find yourself being ridiculed on the internet, just like these people.

1. And this is why Facebook will never give us a dislike button. Ever.

2. This is probably the most informative passive aggressive parking note of all time. 

3. I don't know how I'd react to this. Laugh. And then realize my bad parking habits could result in endless french fries.

4. Even nature hates bad parking. Look at this karmic justice dealt out by the tree spirits.

5. If you watch the clock, it took almost 30 minutes to reach this point, and like 8 seconds to regret nothing.

6. The last few lines much hate.

7. Apparently a hurricane came along and made touchdown on that bike...

8. In London, no parking means no parking. No exceptions.

9. I love the message, but I'm not sure who would really win here if the guy driving the Ford is as big of a jerk as he seems.

10. It would appear that parking like a king is only a good idea if your loyal subjects love you as much as you think they do.

11. If you're going to park in someone else's spot, make sure it isn't a contractor who has access to building materials.

12. Parking is a valuable resource. A non-renewable resource. Do your part.

13. If you're learning anything here, it should be that people don't appreciate your vain sense of self importance.

14. If that helicopter had a winch and the muscle to do it, I'd lift that car and drop it on the roof of the tallest building two towns over.

15. Even the artsy types dislike your poor parking ability.

16. Double parking is bad, parking in other people's spots is bad, but being this ignorant will beget you the kind of anger you aren't prepared for. "Did it rain?"

17. Some people just can't handle anything about parking, even car parks just break their brains.


Author: verified_user