Thursday, July 6, 2017

10 Photos That Have No Problem Getting Attention

With each day we live, it's surprising how often we miss what's going on right in front of us. Some would suggest that's because many of us are busy with our phones and ignoring the world around us, but that may not make as much of a difference as you think.

After all, our attention often has a difficult time splitting between multiple focal points. As a test from back in 1999 shows, a person in a gorilla suit can walk through a scene of people playing basketball and we won't even notice them if we focus on the basketball players hard enough. 

With this in mind, we could be missing all manner of interesting sights as we go through life. Still, some things have a way of standing out and stirring up our curiosity.

We've collected 10 photos that had this effect on us, and we hope they fascinate you just as much.

Be sure to COMMENT and let us know what made you stop and stare for a moment.

1. Here we see a geyser called Strokkur in Iceland's Golden Circle.

It's cool to look at, but you might be glad you're not standing near it when you learn that it smells like rotten eggs.

2. This man seems awfully troubled by these watermelons.

I know it's not polite to stare like this, but some sights are so puzzling that we can't help ourselves.

3. These llamas would certainly make a commute more interesting.

It seems that they came close to interfering with this year's Tour de France but were apparently relocated in time.

4. There has to be a cleaner way to store your chili.

I suppose this could just be an unfortunate spill, but people have a way of defying our expectations sometimes.

No matter how ridiculous this might seem, it's got nothing on this next photo.

5. It's already pretty amazing that this is holding together at all.

But there's no way that's making it home without falling apart. It's not every day that a drive turns into a game of Frogger.

6. It took me a second before I realized what was going on here.

I wasn't sure if Captain America was hugging a giant statue of a dog or if a small dog was being hugged by toys. I guess they make them pretty realistic nowadays.

7. Leave a barn alone for long enough, and this is what happens.

The plants have claimed it as their own, but we'll be fine as long as they don't ask us to feed them.

8. Um, you're welcome, I guess.

Frankly, I'm more impressed that he was able to pin that to a brick wall with a thumbtack.

9. Yikes, it's two hazards for the price of one.

I don't envy the poor soul stuck delivering their mail, that's for sure.

10. This massive redwood washed up in La Push, Washington.

It may not be a giant Lego man with "no real than you are" written on his shirt, but it's still an attention grabber.

Don't forget to COMMENT and tell us what's jumped out at you today.


Author: verified_user