Sunday, July 2, 2017

14 Texts That Take Trolling to a Whole Other Level

Trolling, according to urban dictionary is defined as: 

  • convincing your victim that either a) to truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help. 
  • Trolling requires deceiving; any trolling that doesn't involve deceiving someone isn't trolling at all; it's just stupid. As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccessful troll.
  • 1.  HA!

    2. I didn't know grumpy cat owned an iPhone. 

    3. I love U 2

     4. Whale, whale, whale...what do we have here?

    5. #believe

    6. Ouchhhh. The troll just got trolled.

    7. I think he just trolled himself as well.

    8. The truth stings!

    9. Sew veri mad

    10. He just wanted to be friends

    11. And he keeps going...Mr. Taco strikes again.

    12. Troll if she thought it was real.

    13. Sneaky troll is sneaky!

    14. Mah boobs are always so photogenic...even while running.


    Author: verified_user