Well, sorry folks, but it looks like hotels are a little lazy even with the sheets. The show Inside Edition performed a daring test of sheet cleanliness that will shock you. You have to see what happens when they confront the hotel manager.
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I don't know about you, but I personally love the feeling of those perfectly clean white hotel sheets on vacation.
After a long day of traveling, all you want to do is hop into that incredibly comfortable hotel bed.
Well, hold up one second. Maybe you shouldn't jump right into that bed.
A shocking Inside Edition investigation found that, in some hotels, the sheets are treated the same as that dirty ole comforter.
"Whattttttt?" you say?
You have to see the sneaky way that the show tested the cleanliness of sheets at different hotels...
After seeing this, they got a hold of the hotel manager...
As with other maids and managers they confronted at other hotels and motels, the staff simply said that it is their policy to wash sheets after every guest leaves.
It was shocking to see that several of the hotels they tested didn't wash their sheets or simply washed the pillowcases but not the sheets.
It seems that perhaps they know no one can pin them on telling workers to skip washing the sheets, and they can always say that someone missed these ones.
At the end of the day, it's hard to know the exact reason for most hotels not washing their sheets. Saving money on energy costs? Who knows.
This is not cool, people! Do we really have to bring our own sheets to a hotel?