Thursday, April 13, 2017

How To Cleverly Cover Up Your Under-Eye Circles

Covering up your under-eye circles is one of the most annoying things to do. It doesn't matter how much concealer I put on, I can still see my dark circles. So annoying. Thankfully, I'm not the only one who has this struggle. So many other people do too, and they found an amazing way to cover them up. It's pretty awesome! Keep reading to find out about this awesome technique! 

Concealer, you have been a lot of help...

But I'm probably going to throw you out after this. 

So many beauty bloggers are putting glitter under their eyes, and it is marvelous! 

I love this so much. 

This is a little bit odd, but I'm really into it. 

Hey, at least you can't see her dark circles.

So it does work! 

So pretty. 

It's not very subtle, but it is beautiful.

I definitely want to try this out. 

Do you like under-eye glitter? Comment to let us know! 


Author: verified_user