Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The 19 Stages Of Going Back To School As Told By 'Harry Potter'

Well, it's here. It's that time of year! Summer is over and it's time to go back to school. Some of you might be looking forward to it, some probably not so much. Sure, you'll have to get back to studying and doing assignments but there are good things about school too! You'll meet new people, make new friends and get to see your favorite teachers! Here's what it's really like to go back to school and what's always going through your mind as told by Harry Potter

1. When it hits you that summer is officially over. 

2. When you're enjoying your sleep and all of a sudden your annoying alarm goes off reminding you that school is here.

3. When you forgot how long it takes you to get ready and so you show up to school looking like death.

4. When you see your friends in the same class and immediately freak out. 

"You're in this class too?!" "YES!"

5. When you get to your first class, scope out who's attractive and immediately make a plan to flirt with them. 

6. When the prof opens up their mouth and you immediately regret everything. 

"Okay so... I just basically don't get anything. Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? Please let me go home." 

7. When you end up sitting beside someone who asks a million questions before class is over.

"Please. Stop. Talking." 

8. When it's the first day and you already have a million things to read and assignments due for the next day. 

9. When you and your friend get caught not paying attention by the teacher. 

You guys thought you were hiding it but the teacher always knows!

10. When you realize this is your life again and the next long weekend is way too far away for you to even look forward to. 

11. When your prof is all like, "Pay attention because this will be on the midterm" and you are too busy thinking about food to care.

12. When you eat everything in sight to combat the stress.

"Okay, I'll make two bowls of ramen to go with this gallon of coffee so I can stay up to finish this." 

13. When you try to convince yourself not to procrastinate but your brain is also like, "HA! You really think so?"

14. When you find out that class is cancelled. 

15. When your friends try to leave you to hang out instead of study and you're like, "If I have to burn, so will you!" 

16. When you and your friends create a study group but nobody knows what's going on.

"Okay what do you think we're supposed to do for this assignment?" "How am I supposed to know?" "Weren't you playing attention?" "I never pay attention!"

17. When the teacher calls on you unexpectedly but you nail the answer anyway. 

18. When you're looking for any sign to tell you if you're going to survive the school year or not. 

19. Finally, that moment when you realize you accept that school is inevitable and you'll eventually finish this semester alive. 

SHAREif you love Harry Potterand wish you went to Hogwarts instead of muggle school!


Author: verified_user