Mistakes are a curious thing because you try to make as few of them as possible — unless it's badass, then you keep doing it.
Especially when you're making movies! In fact, some of the coolest parts of movies were accidents — just like my older sister.Here are some iconic moments in movies that were total mistakes!
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Remember these classic babes climbing out of the water and into our dreams? Well they wanted to revisit that for Casino Royale but...
1. James Bond AKA Daniel Craig walking out of the water WASN'T a homage, it was screw-up. Again, like my older sister.
Turns out he hit a sandbank and had to awkwardly get up — giving us his iconic walk onto the beach in Casino Royale. Cue the squeals.
2. Remember when the Joker blew up the hospital in The Dark Knight? His reaction to the accidental delay of the bombs was perfectly in character!
COMPLETE mistake, but Heath Ledger ran with that!
3. Viggo Mortensen, AKA Aragorn in Lord of The Rings smashed his foot into pieces over two fictional little men.
He actually BROKE two toes!But during filming Aragon's arguably most badass moment was an accident that could've killed him...
8. In the Being John Malkovich, a drunk extra actually hurls a beer can at actor John Malkovich yelling "Hey Malkovich, think fast!"
Turns out the scene only was supposed to call for John to walk angrily as cars drove by but Director Spike Jonze loved the scene so much that he left it in.And then there's ALL those Tony Stark Lab scenes...
But Avengersmakes this list too!
9. Robert Downey Jr. had food stashed everywhere on the lab set of The Avengers to the point that they just kept the scenes where he ate said hidden food.
They kept telling him to stop but he straight up ignored them. LIKE A BOSS.
10. All the characters in the line-up scene in The Usual Suspects kept cracking up becauseBenicio Del Toro kept letting out rancid farts....
According to the DVD extras, he was "flatulent the whole time" and the actors couldn't keep it together. The director kept it in! They were just FINISHED. Dead...
11. In Django Unchained, Leonardo DiCaprio sliced his hand open on a glass after his character slams his fist onto the table.
In the next scene, Leo is seen reacting to the blood on his hand and... he DOESN'T break character!
12. And finally looks like Catwoman STOLE someone's dictionary too.
Catwoman was pretty great...
13. While they were shooting Midnight Cowboy in New York City, a real cab runs through a green light while Dustin Hoffman and his co-star were walking across and he ad-libbed:
Hoffman says: "I wound up saying, ‘I’m walkin’ here!’ But what was going through my head is: ‘Hey, we’re makin’ a movie here! And you just f–ked this shot up.’ But somehow something told me you’d better keep it within the character.
14. And in American Sniper, you can clearly see that Bradley Cooper is making the cheap baby doll's arm movie.
Turns out that none of that $60 million budget went to the baby prop...
Now, I'm going to look up all mistakes in my favorite movie because I have to destroy everything I love.
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