Tuesday, December 6, 2016

This Time It's 'Dad After Dentist' And He Thinks His Head Is Going To Fall Off...

We all have fears.

Maybe it’s a deathly fear of spiders, perhaps you hate heights, or maybe you can’t stand the thought of speaking in public. Bart had a less practical fear upon returning home from the dentist, but he was extremely terrified nonetheless.

His fear? That his head would fall off!

He was on some pain medication that hadn’t quite worn off, and it was making him a little loopy.

To resolve his fear, he decided to take a strange item to bed…

And that item was a roll of tape. His loving wife asked him what it was for, and he adorably replied, “In case my head falls off!”

Although Bart looks like a tough guy on the outside, even his wife couldn't refrain from laughing as he desperately ensured his tape stayed with him. While he was on the verge of tears, his wife offered reassurance and understanding, trying to calm his irrational fears.

The good thing about this hilarious moment caught on video? When Bart woke up, he knew that his wife is loving and supportive no matter how crazy he sounds... even when he thinks his head is going to fall off!


Author: verified_user