Wednesday, December 14, 2016

16-Year-Old McDonald's Worker Goes Above And Beyond For Boy With Autism

When every restaurant out there starts to resemble every other restaurant, there aren't many ways they can distinguish themselves. Customer service goes a long way, however. People remember good service, especially when workers go out of their way to help out. We're sure one mother with always remember the great experience she had with a young McDonald's worker whose efforts put a huge smile on her son's face.

After Bonnie Kandel had a special experience with a McDonald's worker who went above and beyond for her autistic son, she had to share it with the world.

Bonnie's seven-year-old son, Leif, had his heart set on getting a Teen Titans Happy Meal toy after one of his schoolmates brought one to class. "He gets really fixated on things and creates stories around toys," she told ABC News.

Unfortunately, she was told at the counter that they were all out of the toys, even though a display was still up with all the toys inside.

Lucky for Bonnie and Leif, TaQualliya Patterson happened to overhear. "I had gotten curious about what was going on because I heard something about Teen Titans and I knew we didn’t have anymore," she said. "I knew there weren’t any more in stock."

The 16-year-old, who has worked at McDonald's for two years and goes by TQ, took the matter up with her manager.

With the manager's approval, she spent 15 minutes taking apart the display to get the toys out while Bonnie and Leif ate their meal. "It took some convincing, I overheard, because this was not something they were supposed to do," Bonnie later wrote on Facebook. 

Not only did she give the toys to Leif, but she comped him a milkshake as well. Needless to say, Leif was overjoyed and he still plays with the toys for hours.

And Bonnie has been bowled over by TQ's kindness. "TQ’s sweet and generous interaction with my son was a little glimmer of hope," she said. "All three of my children saw her express empathy and compassion. That’s worth more than any toy."


Author: verified_user