Thursday, November 3, 2016

This Is What The Lines On Your Wrist Say About You

You've likely heard of palm reading, but reading the bracelet lines of your wrist falls under the same umbrella of palmistry. This is a kind of divination where people claim they can determine facts about your life, and particularly your future life, based on what they see in the lines of your hand and your wrist. 

It has roots in ancient India and Aristotle supposedly passed down his knowledge of palmistry to Alexander The Great, though it's hard to find evidence of that from sources who aren't palmistry advocates.

But the problem is that there's no actual scientific evidence that palmistry determines much of anything. In fact, when psychologist Ray Hyman deliberately read the opposite of what people's lines indicated, he was apparently as accurate as when he followed the rules. So if someone asks you to drop $2,497 on an "awareness package" related to palmistry, it's best to tell them to keep walking.

But guess what? 

This doesn't mean you can't indulge a little. It can be fun to wonder what the future will bring, and this is a nice way of framing those wonders. After all, I don't believe in ghosts, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying haunted houses.

So if you want to check out what your wrist lines mean without having to go to some overpriced psychic, we've got you covered.

Let's have a bit of fun. 

1. Now before we get into what the lines themselves mean, let's start with the number.

The number of lines has to do with longevity. Most people have three lines, but those with four may be among those rare few who get to live to 100.

2. So with that out of the way, let's have a look at that first line closest to your palm.

If it's clear and deep, it means your health will have a pretty sunny outlook. If it's broken or chained, like this person's is, it's a sign thatyou aren't taking good care of your body and are prone to overindulging in unhealthy behaviors. 

But if the first line is chained and the rest are nice and deep, your early life will be difficult, but your later years may be full of good fortune. 

3. But also take note if your first line curves upward like this.

For women, it indicates a lot of obstacles and pain on the way, particularly when it comes to childbirth.

And it looks like men aren't exempt from this problem either, since this kind of curve warns of prostate issues and problems with reproduction.

4. Now we'll take a look at the second line.

If this line is clear and straight like the first line should be, this indicates a future of financial strength and prosperity. It's definitely a cleaner way of finding that out than having someone spit in your hand and telling you "that's your swimming pool."

5. And now, we'll dip a bit lower and check out the third line.

This one has a lot to do with your presence among your peers and community. If it's straight and deep, you'll be an influential figure in your community and altogether well-known.

I guess if this line is straight and the second one is broken or chained, that's an indicator of being ahead of your time. 

6. As you can see, not everybody has four wrist lines, but if you do,

you can expect a longer life, as I've said, but also a stronger version of your third line. 

So if your third line says you'll be influential, a strong fourth line indicates you'll be really influential.

7. But what if you only have the one wrist line?

You apparently don't want this, as it indicates a coming period in your life where you will experience particularly ill health. This could include a period of deep depression.

8. So there you have it! Do you like your results?

If not, don't worry. Remember that this is all for fun!


Author: verified_user