Thursday, November 17, 2016

19 Things You Had No Idea Were Illegal

I'm a pretty straight-laced person, but every so often I discover that I've been breaking the law all along. They're usually small laws, and kind of useless if you ask me. 

What do you mean I have to register my cat?! I need a burn permit for that fire pit?! 

Then there are the really, really strange ones. All around the world, you'll find strange rules that I'm sure had a meaning at some point but have been lost over the years.

I have to wonder if anyone even goes through the books to see what we actually need!

Have you broken these? COMMENTand let us know!

1. In Canada, it's illegal to "fraudulently" practice witchcraft.

Or to tell fortunes for money.

2. China has banned TV dramas that show time travel.

No Doctor Who?!

3. It's illegal to unlock an iPhone.

But jailbreaking it is fine, apparently.

4. It's illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon.

An attendant has to do it for you.

5. You can't be drunk in a bar in Alaska.

This is supposed to help deal with alcohol issues in the state.

6. In Toronto, Canada, you can't drag a dead horse down Yonge Street on a Sunday.

Any other day? Go for it!

7. You can't buy or sell sex toys in Alabama.

It's part of the "Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act."

8. In Tennessee and Mississippi, a female driver must have a male flagger walking out front of the car to warn others that there's a woman on the road.

Yes, this is a thing. 

9. It's illegal to share your Netflix password with anyone outside of your family in Tennessee.

This also applies to Hulu Plus, Rhapsody, any media subscription really. 

10. In Carmel, California, you need a permit to wear high heels.

Anything over 2" high with a base of less than one square inch is illegal. This isn't really enforced though.

11. It's illegal to kill Bigfoot in Washington.

Although technically he could be considered an endangered species, and would be protected in every state except Texas.

12. It's illegal to whistle in Petrolia, Canada.

And it's illegal to sing too! Jeez...

13. British eggs are illegal in the US because they're unwashed.

And US eggs are illegal in Britain for the opposite reason!

14. It's illegal to lock your car doors in downtown Churchill, Canada...

...Because someone might need to escape a polar bear. Seriously.

15. Pet hamsters are illegal in Hawaii.

Aw man, just look at that little face.

16. And in Switzerland, it's illegal to own one guinea pig.

Because they get lonely and need a friend!

17. In France, child beauty pageants are illegal.

It's probably for the best.

18. In Singapore, you MUST flush the toilet.

If you don't, you can be fined $150. The officers do check.

19. Pepper spray is illegal in Canada.

Yup! You're not allowed to defend yourself in the Great White North.


Author: verified_user