Saturday, October 8, 2016

These Teens Faked A Proposal Just To Get Free Dessert

You have to appreciate the simple joys in life, don't you think? Like finding a ten dollar bill in a jacket you haven't worn since autumn, or a moment of perfect peace and quiet with a steaming cup of coffee warming your fingers. Or free food. Does anything make your day quite like free food? What lengths would you go for it? Would you go as far as these teens did?

After a long week, Cati and Alex wanted to kick back at a local restaurant for a nice dinner together – and they had a plan for dessert.

After they'd packed away the main course, Alex would get down on one knee in front of the whole restaurant and give Cati a ring.

And so, when the time came, with Cati off freshening up, Alex tipped the server off to his plan to propose and asked her to take photos.

It worked like a charm. The other diners clapped when Cati said yes and accepted her ring.

Their plan couldn't have come together better. Not only did the server take photos, but she returned with a fancy dessert plate – on the house for the happy couple.

The server clearly outdid herself on this beautiful dessert plate!

Cake and crème brûlée, sign me up!

When they posted their pics on Twitter, reactions came in fast and furious...

For the most part, the folks on Twitter loved Alex and Cati's idea and wanted to try it for themselves.

Others wondered if it was worth the effort of going through a fake proposal, ring and all, for small-ish desserts.

Come on, though, crème brûlée!

Some folks were just determined to disapprove and rain on Cati and Alex's parade.

Understated, yes, but Stern Maxine Waters sure gets the message across.

For the most part, however, folks just thought it was a fun idea.

What do you think? Great idea or a waste of effort?


Author: verified_user