Monday, October 10, 2016

10 Before-And-After Pictures That Show The Benefits Of Giving Up Alcohol

Here are some interesting stats on alcohol taken in 2014...

87.6% of people over 18 have had at least one drink in their lifetime.
71% said they had a drink within the last year.
56.9% said they had a drink within the past month.

Where do you fall into those stats?

As far as worldwide alcohol consumption is concerned, the U.S.A. ranks nowhere near the top at #48 with 9.2 liters per capita per year. The top country in the world? Belarus. They drink an astonishing 17.5 liters per capita per year. Just three countries in the top 20 were outside of Europe.

Pretty cool, eh? So what happens when you give up alcohol entirely? Well, let's find out...

What does alcohol consumption do to the body?

Hypertension, shrinking frontal lobe, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, liver damage, digestive problems, and even infertility. These effects are obviously amplified if you abuse alcohol.

So what happens when you quit?

The changes can be frightening. It can cause nausea, anxiety, nervousness and tremors.

Long term, the positive effects can be staggering and undeniable. Your health — both mentally and physically — can improve dramatically. Some might say you GAIN a life by giving up an old one.

What's the most significant change you notice?

Fuller hair? Loss of redness in his cheeks? The weight loss?

I notice the life in his eyes first.

The following picture was posted on Reddit and it's the picture that inspired this article. The post was titled, "My sobriety."

This article will feature people's transformations and some of the comments left by the anonymous public.

Everything gained definition and again, his eyes gained so much life. It's truly incredible.

"January 6, 2016, I put down the vodka bottle and January 11 I checked myself into rehab."

"8 1/2 months sober now and 35 pounds lighter. I feel like myself again."

"This first picture is a selfie I took in the ER on February 1, 2016, the day I was admitted to the hospital and began the journey of recovery."

"This second picture was taken on July 30, 2016, exactly six months after the first. I have just completed a thirty-three-mile bike ride, one for every year I have been alive."

"I’m wearing the same thing. But I am not the same human..."

The color that returned to her skin is astonishing. I don't know what's more crazy, the life her skin has now or how pale it was before.

"In the first photograph, I found myself alone, nearly 300 lbs, in an extraordinary amount of credit card debt (nearly $20,000) and without a job..."

"Here I am last month, down to 180 lbs, almost done with my first year sober, zero debt, engaged in a great career, and having found myself a caring, loving, non-drinking partner who I am very excited about. Heck, I'm even closing on a little cabin in the woods this month. I'm going to be a landowner."

An upgraded phone and an upgraded look for Andy Boyle.

The picture on the left, Boyle was 306 pounds. On the right, 230.

On the left, it was the heaviest he'd ever been thanks in part to .750L of vodka a night.

And, obviously, on the right, he is sober for 1.5 years.

Same woman...five years apart.

This one is crazy because of how much younger she looks in the after shots despite being a half-decade older.

This is only after a month.

She looks like she previously had a bad rash or sunburn.

SHARE these incredible images on Facebook. Would you look different if you stopped drinking?


Author: verified_user