Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Photographer Dad Turns His Baby Into An Elf On The Shelf

Dad-of-six and amateur photographer Alan Lawrence has taken the idea of the popular Elf on the Shelf tradition to the next level by casting his 4-month-old son Rockwell in the role of the elf! If you're new to the trend, the Elf on the Shelf is a toy elf that parents move throughout the house as though it is alive. Kids love looking for what the elf got up to in the night! 

So Alan dressed Rockwell up in an elf costume and recreated the sorts of activities those crafty elves seem to always be getting up to. Of course, the results are absolutely adorable! 

If your family has taken part in the Elf on the Shelf tradition, we'd love to see photos of the different hiding spots you've found him in! Share them in the comments!

Of course, it has to start with a shelf.

If some of these poses look dangerous, don't worry! Dad's just as skilled with digital photo trickery as he is at thinking up silly poses. 

WARNING: Sugar rush imminent!

Who left the syrup out where the elf could find it?

I hope no one needed to go...

Because they'll have to unwrap things first!

Who forgot to elf-proof the fridge?

Rockwell's mom made his costume. It's perfect!

Dog's like: "What is this strange creature?"

Baby Elf: "WHEEEEE!"

"Oh, did you not want help in the shower?"

"Don't worry, I'll wrap it back up before the kids see it!"


Pro tip:

Let Godzilla win.

Dad can't even eat his breakfast without having marshmallows thrown at him.

They're the big ones, too!

Um, that's not where the cookies go, Little Elf.

You can just give them all to me, instead!

Your tree was looking a bit sparse, so I thought I'd help!

DIY garland that you can do at home!

That's it, the elf is going home to the North Pole!


You're stuck with me until Christmas! Hah!

How excited are you for Christmas?

Spread the holiday cheer!

Be sure to SHAREthis article with all your fellow Elf on the Shelf-lovers!

h/t That Dad Blog


Author: verified_user