Tuesday, May 31, 2016

13 Disney Hero And Villain Mash-Ups

Every Disney movie goes a little like this. There's always a hero and a villain. I know that the audience should not like the villain, but some are pretty awesome. For example, Ursula is beyond sassy. She's kind of my spirit animal. But I could never steal someone's voice. Sorry! If you are a fan of some Disney villains, then check out this awesome Disney hero and villain mash-up. They a lot more in common than you think! 

1. This one is crazy cool! 

By the way, it can take up to 12 hours to draw a single mash-up. That's a lot of hard work. 

2. So many people are obsessed with this artist's drawings...

That many of them comment on her Instagram photos saying that they would get these drawings tattooed on themselves. 

3. Not going to lie, but Hades is one of my favorite villains. 

Aside from him trying to ruin Hercules' life, he is pretty hilarious. 

4. Whoa! Both of their eyebrows are on point! 

5. Gaston really needs to lose that pompous attitude. 

Such a turn-off. Be more like the Beast! 

6. Cinderella's step mother's hair looks so voluminous. 

What products does she use? 

7. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how accurate the color of Shan Yu's eye is? 

It's so bright! 

8. I guess Ariel and Ursula have a lot more in common than I thought. 

9. Can we all agree that Scar is the worst brother and uncle ever?! 

He did the pride so dirty. 

10. Another villain that I can't stand 

She's somean to everyone. Why you gotta be so rude? 

11. This is the first time that I think Jafar actually looks cute! 


12. This drawing is super unique! 

What an awesome mash-up!

13. They both have such luscious hair. 

Mother Gothel, you can thank Rapunzel for your locks! 

Which one is your favorite? Comment to let us know! 


Author: verified_user