Every cat owner wants what is best for their feline friend, but sometimes it’s a conflict. They love the outdoors and it is good for them to exercise, but there are many risks to letting your cat roam free outdoors. From getting trapped or stuck somewhere, to the dangers of cars or other animals, it can be tempting to leave your kitten indoors. But a new solution has been devised by some genius cat owners that allows you to let your cat outdoors without any of the risks.
Introducing the catio! These screened in porches are designed to keep cats in and critters out while allowing your feline to get all the exercise they desire.
Inside these cat havens are things like stairs, tunnels, platforms and scratching posts to keep them entertained. It is a perfect solution to keep cats healthy, fit and active without the worry for danger or them getting lost.
You can build your own catio or you can purchase a kit from Catio Spaces. From small “condo” style towers, window box “verandas” and large sanctuary spaces your cat or cats will love their own outdoor space. They are usually attached to a window or doorway that allows the cat the flexibility the decide when to use the outdoor space on their own.
Some people have even built their own super spaces for their cats that can reach price tags of $5000 or more. While that tag sounds like it might be really high, the benefits outweigh the costs. The vet bill for an animal who was attacked by an animal or hit by a vehicle or even one who ate something they shouldn't have on the street would be much, much higher. This way your cat is safer, happier and healthier.