Saturday, April 30, 2016

Use The Lines On Red Solo Cups As A Handy Measuring Guide

Happy accidents just don't come along often enough in life. Of course, if the bass jumped into your boat every day, you'd miss out on the fight. But still, it's always nice when it happens, right? In an unlikely twist, the people who make red Solo cups had a happy accident too, and it's the kind we can all benefit from.

Is there any more obvious sign that a party's about to break out than red Solo cups showing up?

Everybody loves them, but they really only come out for a get together, don't they?

By now you've probably noticed that there are lines around every red Solo cup. As it turns out, you can use them to measure your drinks.

You know, if you want to keep track of such things. Seems like a wise thing to do. The line nearest the bottom is about one ounce, or one serving of hard alcohol. The next line up is about five ounces, or one serving of wine. And the next line up from there is about 12 ounces, or one serving of beer.

Of course, the folks who make red Solo cups didn't have any particular measurement or beverage in mind when they made them.

But as luck would have it, those lines actually do make measuring your drinks easier. And as the Solo folks point out, you can measure all kinds of things with those lines. 

And you might want to point these things out to your guests for a more dignified, sophisticated event.

Only the finest at your gatherings, right?


Author: verified_user