I could go on, but there are funny pics to get to in this article. Hey, if you bothered to read this, let me know in the comments where you stand on the milk is a broth/sauce debate. Some crazies out there still think it's technically a sauce, but who would believe them? They're crazy!
Anyway, enjoy!
1. Breakfast of champions!
2. Had to do a double-take on this one
3. Now that's true love!
4. Time to punch up the old online dating profile!
5. More terrifying than I ever thought before...
6. Tell me more!
7. Sounds catchy!
8. He's on a roll!
9. I'm not usually into fashion, but this, I could get behind...
10. At least she looks like she's paying attention
11. Talk about catfishing...
12. A perfect fit!
13. As we saw before, they can!
14. For real though, what happened to us?
15. This is not the droid you're looking for...
*disclaimer: I know this is not a droid, but an AT-AT, which is a vehicle. Please don't send me hate mail, Star Wars fans, I am one of you.
16. And to end, a lesson in karma