Sadly, we still need to remind people not to get behind the wheel after tying one on. But every reminder is worth it, and the more the better.
If you can count on finding any two things at a Super Bowl party, they're chips and beer.
Now that might be a sad, stripped-down party, but those are the basic building blocks. At some point, the party has to end (hopefully not before halftime), and although chips and beer are a classic combo, they don't mix well with driving home.
Tostitos, along with Uber and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, have created a bag of chips that not only reminds you to put your keys away, but also calls you a ride.
In theory, if you breathe into the bag and it determines that you've been drinking, it flashes red and you can tap your phone to the bag and it will call you an Uber. As further incentive, you get a $10 discount toward the Uber – only good on Super Bowl Sunday, naturally.
These bags are a great idea — if only to remind people not to drink and drive.
They're not actually breathalyzers; they can't tell you how much alcohol is in your system, just whether you've been drinking or not. And, unfortunately, they won't be available at retailers. You have to wonder how much such a fancy bag of chips would set you back anyway.
Nevertheless, they're cool to see – check the bag out in action below!
Nevertheless, they're cool to see – check the bag out in action below!