Saturday, January 2, 2016

This Amazing Experiment Demonstrates The Duality Of The Human Brain

The human brain is one of the greatest mysteries in science. How is it possible that a three-pound hunk of gray matter is responsible for all of our thoughts, feelings, and actions? Believe it or not, it's true. 
Most of us know that the brain has two hemispheres, but what are they doing? Why don't we just have one big lobe that does everything? You've probably even heard about left-brain people and right-brain people, but likely discount that as pop psychology junk. One thing we know for sure is that the left side of the brain processes information on the right side of our visual field and vice versa. When the brain is split, the hemispheres can't communicate with one another. This is where the video comes in.

In an interesting new demonstration, the left and right sides of the brain literally worked as two separate entities. In the video, the "right-brain" was shown a Rubix Cube by putting it on the left side of space. Next, they restricted the left brain's view of the cube by putting a divider between the left and right eyes. On the right side of space, the question "what did you see?" was presented, and the person was unable to answer the question verbally. Usually, someone would just say "Rubix Cube," but given that the visual image of the object was only received by the right side of the brain, the verbal side (left), was unable to express an answer. This is some pretty cool evidence that you do indeed have two "brains" that are fully capable of working independently of one another.
You are going to freak out when they show how each brain can draw something completely independently of one another. After this, you will question what it means to be a conscious being, Wow!

SHARE this freaky and insightful video with your friends on Facebook. Everyone should know the basics of how the brain works. Here is another awesome video about the biology of our bodies.


Author: verified_user