Friday, January 22, 2016

Newborn Photos Nobody Should Replicate

The most exciting thing about having a baby isn't the gestating, it's definitely not the birth, and, I'm sorry, but it's not getting up every two hours for four months until finally you rejoice at the fact that you get four or five hour stretches of sleep and it's been so long you don't even realize it's insane that you're celebrating being able to sleep uninterrupted from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. You legitimately find this exciting! But no, that's not the best part.

The best part is, after your baby is born, getting some absolutely precious photos of this beautiful creature (who never really looks or acts like this in real life) to send to family and friends and post online.

If you've already gotten yours and are feeling less than thrilled at the way they turned out, don't worry — they may not be the perfect baby-in-a-flower-pot-sleeping-more-peacefully-than-he-does-in-his-own-crib-why-did-we-spend-so-much-on-a-crib photos you were hoping for, but they sure beat these ones!

SHARE these hilarious pictures on Facebook. Your friends are going to love them!

This little girl was not impressed with having a camera in her face.

It's like a mixture of terror, confusion, sadness, and a little more terror. The stuff that memories are made of.

Not impressed.

And not willing to give you an appropriate photo you can send to Grandma.

They probably should have opted to do the newborn photos solo.

Meet your big bro: he'll be a pain in the neck for the rest of your life.

This sneeze is simultaneously adorable and frustrating.

Which probably describes most sneezes (unless it's one of those messy loud ones) but a picture literally takes a second — you only needed to be still for a second!

This is exactly why some things are better left to professionals.

It could have been cute in theory, but one day when you're wondering why you're in a third-rate nursing home, this is going to be the answer.

The viral photo that still makes us laugh (and gag).

We know it's been a while since this photo hit the screen, but it couldn't be ignored. This is the epitome of newborns: something that should be so sweet and beautiful is actually very messy and gross (and hilarious) and smells.

What is it about babies and tulle that make tiny tutus the greatest things ever?

I mean obviously she doesn't agree, but even with the angry face, this is still a pretty adorable photo.

They say if you're going to have three you might as well have a dozen.

Because once they outnumber you, it's over.

This Texas mom found out the hard way that her kids don't like pumpkins.

She posted online about the photo shoot, "My 6-year-old son did not like the pumpkin idea, either. NO. I did not put him in the pumpkin... I put his favorite toy (stuffed beaver) in the pumpkin. The whole time he moaned about how dirty the beaver was going to get and how I better wash him. The pictures were terrible."

A baby's gonna do what a baby's gonna do.

I bet this mom is so happy that she chose to sit beside the baby instead of under.

Okay, so obviously tutus aren't beloved by babies, since this is the second one to look like her life is being ruined by her vibrant tulle skirt.

But we love them, so why aren't there more adult-sized tutus?

He's not having any of it.

And, compared to the rest of these babies, he got off easy — no truck, tutu, hats, pumpkins — he didn't even need to brush his hair!

I wouldn't be loving this scratchy weird packing material as my photo shoot prop either.

I don't recommend trying to make it up to her with a tutu (we've seen how well those work) but maybe a fun prop? Like a toy or a lollypop?

Dude's not loving his cute wooly hat. 

Somebody better warn him about winter. He's not going to be pleased.

At least one of these babies knows how to take a picture!

Keep that in mind for your own photo shoot — with two babies in the shot you get a 50% better chance it's going to be a cute one!


Author: verified_user