Sunday, January 31, 2016

20 People Who Are Having The Worst Day

Have you ever had a really crappy day? Just, like, it wouldn't stop being the worst? Just one thing after the other? 

I have been there. We all have. The worst part? There's nothing we can do about it. 

No matter how bad a day I have had, it has been nowhere near as bad as what these people are dealing with. 

1. This seems like a pretty multi-layered bad day. 

Certainly, a lot going wrong in this picture. 

2. I want to know what it was that attracted all these bees! 

3. Is anyone going to tell her?

4. In honor of the Olympics! 

5. I have never seen anything look more devastated. 

6. Guess this is what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket. 

7. What a rookie mistake. 

He deserves for his pizza to be ruined. 

8. To be fair, they were warned. 

9. Ouch. 

10. I would just cancel that card. 

11. Cute dogs, though! 

12. How does this even happen?? 

13. Worst day of the summer so far for sure. 

14. This was one of my biggest fears in school. 

15. I need someone to explain to me why this happened. 

16. Pretty much. 

17. How often do you think he gets asked this question? 

18. I mean, they tried. That's what counts, right? 

19. Well, this is just disappointing. 

20. Whoever owns this dog is in for one heck of an afternoon. 


Author: verified_user