Monday, January 25, 2016

16 Cutie Kids With Gorgeous Full Heads Of Hair

One of the most exciting parts about giving birth is finally getting to see what your little cutie looks like, right?!

I mean, your mind can go a little crazy with curiosity over those nine long months. Sure, the sonograms and, if you're lucky, 3D ultrasound videos help to give you some idea...

...but it's just not quite the same as actually holding your little one in your arms and taking that first good look.

You created this. You carried this. 

It's the greatest feeling in the world. That first look.

These 15 cutie kids all have the fullest heads of hair ever, and it's super adorbs. 

SHARE the feels with every parent you know! 

1. This precious little one whose blonde is better than Goldilocks'. 

He's a trendsetter in the making. 

2. This baby who totally woke up like this. 

She's flawless. 

3. This little one who's got that bedhead look down pat already. 

So stylish.

4. This 10-month-old who has rock star hair. 

He's too cool for school. 

5. This cute kid whose hair game is already so on point. 

Pup knows it too. 

6. This little one's wonderful whimsy of black locks. 

Windswept at its best. 

7. This little Ron Weasley in the making.


8. This little future model. 

He's got that Elvis vibe...

9. This curly cutie who looks like Rick James...

Doesn't he?!

10. This beauty baby's red locks. 

Simply stunning. 

11. This little one who looks a little worried about future shampoo costs...

So. Much. Hair. 

12. This carefree kid with boss hair. 

He's got his sights set on a future as bright as his smile...

13. This peek-a-boo baby whose hair is totally softer than yours...


14. This little superstar whose hair is already thicker than mine. 


15. This sweetie's luscious locks. 

The bow is the perfect touch to these curls! 

16. This baby girl with stunning eyes and hair to match.

Share these adorable pics with every parent you know! 


Author: verified_user