Sometimes, the world just makes us want to say, "WTF?" Okay, in all honesty, this happens to me a lot more than "sometimes." For example, here are 23 times I've said it this morning alone:
1. There's ketchup in the shower
Why, oh why is there ketchup in the shower?
2. There's metal in this fast food meal
3. There's a trap chute for kids
Because this isn't terrifying at all.
4. The stairs are moving
Lesson learned: never stand next to an escalator and expect to just chill.
5. Cat in can
That's not a problem at all.
6. Is this even possible?
7. That's quite a Bic of color
Who does this sort of thing? WHO?!
8. Is this really necessary?
Cool, sure. Extremely freaking wasteful? YAS. :(
9. And I thought I had issues parking properly!
I feel great about myself now.
10. This
11. How does this happen?
12. Chest day gone so wrong
13. This is a twisted tale
And I want all the details!
14. This buff kangaroo telling it like it is
I'll never unsee this. Ever.
15. This headliner
Thou shalt throw no dildos!
16. Why you don't bring your pet to the zoo
I repeat: DON'T bring your pet to the zoo!
17. Another reason to avoid fast food
18. A fashion trend I'll never understand
Ever. No matter how hard I try.
19. This
I can't even was made for times like these.
20. Did you even try?
Well, next time do better.
21. This
I'll give them this: it's a creative upcycle.
22. This
I have no words for how uncomfortable this makes me.
23. And finally, this