Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Single Life vs. Married Life

I've always thought it was weird how much changes after you get married. If you've been dating someone for a long period of time, doesn't it basically feel like you're married anyway? Why does a bunch of money spent on a ceremony suddenly change so much? Well, I have no idea why, but I do know that a whole lot changes after you tie the knot. These are obviously super exaggerated examples, because sometimes we just need to poke fun at the weird s*** society thinks happens, right?

1. Weight changes occur

2. Social media slows down

3. More sex, despite what the movies say

4. A serious lack of effort

5. Less cleavage is revealed

6. People automatically assume you're capable of handling a baby


7. You have to make some choices

8. People get way more enthusiastic when you tell them it's your anniversary


9. Pretty much truth.

10. Your playmates change


11. Needs are different

12. You notice a lack of effort...


13. Equal takes on a whole different meaning

14. Your... uh, "footing" changes

15. Funds are "pooled"


Author: verified_user