Wednesday, July 1, 2015

People Who Aren't In A Happy Relationship Are More Likely To Cheat

People are constantly worrying. With everything happening so quickly these days, it's kind of normal to be worried about life. What if you just lost your job tomorrow? Do you have a backup? What if a crazy storm hit your town and you were left homeless? While this likely won't happen to most of us (hopefully), there are other things that can prove to be more common threats. What would you do if your partner cheated on you?

Do you know anyone in a relationship? SHARE this with them!

I'm sure this is what the ideal relationship would look like, but sadly, this isn't the case for most of us.

So, how can you tell if your partner is a cheater?

A study recently published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin looked into something related to partner preference.

In the study, they told 131 undergrads that they would be given a new lab partner.

After being shown a picture of their future lab partner, they were asked to identify them from a collection of 11 photos.

10 of the 11 photos were digitally altered, while one was the original.

Of the 11 photos, five were altered to make the partner look more attractive and another five were altered to make them look less attractive.

The researchers found that people in happy relationships tended to pick a less attractive photo as their partner. They were even given a $50 incentive to choose correctly.

They believe that this is due to something called "devaluing temptation," which is a defense mechanism. Essentially, they devalue potential mates and prefer the values in their current partner. 

So there it is. The happier your relationship, the happier (and more faithful) it will stay!

So remember, if you have an argument, talk it out like adults!

Do you know anyone in a long-term relationship? Don't forget to SHARE this with them!


Author: verified_user