Friday, July 17, 2015

Find The One Letter In This Sea Of Numbers

There's something about solving puzzles and riddles that is insanely gratifying. I'm not sure if it's the challenge itself, or just knowing that I've outsmarted a bunch of other people. Even when it's not that difficult, it still feels satisfying. Sort of like peeling the stickers off a new TV, or popping bubble wrap — nobody knows why, but it just feels good.

It feels like there's been a real boom in online puzzles lately, and it doesn't seem like it's slowing down anytime soon. If you're a fan of these, you have to try this one out!

COMMENT and let us know how you did!

Maybe you've tried your hand spotting the cat in this picture.

But it's been a while since we've had one like this!

It's almost more like a vision test than anything else.

Some people are just always looking for a problem to solve.

Maybe that's why they're so into puzzles like these!

Take a look.

Can you find it? Check out the solution on the next page!

Were you able to spot it on your own?

There it is!

Great job! High fives all around! 

So how did you do? Be sure to COMMENT and let us know!

Main and collage image via American Overlook


Author: verified_user