Friday, July 17, 2015

14 Shocking Secrets From Behind The Scenes Of 'She's All That'

When I was a little kid I used to rent a movie from the local Blockbuster like once a week. Basically those trips to the once popular video rental establishment consisted of my older sister and I arguing over which film to rent. However, one film that we actually agreed on – and rented more than just a few times – was 1999's She's All That. That film was just pure gold in the mind of the prepubescent version of myself. But back then, I merely watched movies without even wanting to know anything about the behind-the-scenes activities of the cast and crew. Now that's almost all I care about! So let's dive into some of the behind-the-scenes drama of the film shall we? 

1. Matthew Lillard said he would only do the film if they gave him a personal trainer.

He worked out vigorously for two months before filming so he could look good in the pool scenes. 

2. Lillard's character's name was after someone the screenwriter actually went to high school with.

Apparently the writer went to school with a Brock Hudson who was a total jerk. 

3. Rachel Leigh Cook actually had short hair throughout the entire film.

She had to wear hair extensions for the early scenes, and they're pretty obvious when you watch HD versions of the film.

4. The pubic hairs in the eating scene were actually made of corn husks. 

The filmmakers put this gross scene in the film to attract more males. 

5. Sarah Michelle Gellar made a cameo in the cafeteria.

Freddie Prinze Jr.  actually admits that he instantly fell in love with Gellar even though he had a girlfriend at the time. They married in 2002.

6. The Laney Boggs character's name is a play on two famous Winona Ryder characters.

"Laney" comes from Winona's character in Reality Bites, and "Boggs" comes from her character as Kim Boggs in Edward Scissorhands!

7. There are several references to Hanson in the film.

Two of the main characters are named Zac and Taylor after two members of the popular '90s pop group. Also, two minor characters in the film, Mackenzie and Jesse, are named after two of the younger Hanson siblings.

8. The popular dance scene was added last minute.

That whole epic prom dance routine? That was added at the last second to add a few extra minutes to the film's run-time. 

9. Freddie Prinze Jr. was so charming that the film had to be rewritten.

Originally his character was more of an antagonist, but Prinze Jr. was so charming in real life that the filmmakers wanted to rework the character to be more lovable. That's when they added the problems he had with his father and the struggle to choose a college. 

10. Sarah Michelle Gellar refused to speak in her cameo.

To this day the filmmakers don't know why.

11. M. Night Shyamalan claims that he was the ghostwriter behind the film.

This was denied, but the filmmakers did admit that he helped with several script rewrites. 

12. It was filmed at the same high school as Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Not Another Teen Movie. 

I knew it looked familiar! 

13. This was Lil Kim's first ever time acting in a film.

I bet you didn't even remember she was in it!

14. The opening scene was supposed to be just one long shot.

However, Director Robert Iscove had to make several cuts because producer Harvey Weinstein decided he wanted several lines removed from the scene. 

What's your favorite '90s teen film? COMMENTand let us know. 


Author: verified_user