Sunday, July 5, 2015

12 Steps To Creating A Life You Really Want To Live

Life... it can be stressful sometimes, right?

Doesn't it seem like life is just the same routine every single day? Going day by day, same old thing, typical stuff... it gets kind of boring. When we get in these "funks," our mood starts to go downhill, our motivation to do anything disappears and we ask ourselves, "What is my life?" Well, no more of that!

It's time to change our outlook on life and start living how we want to live. It's OUR life, and we have to be in control. Nothing is more important than our own happiness.

So if you're feeling kind of blue these days, check out these 12 steps to creating a life you want to live. Hopefully these steps inspire you to chase happiness and not stop until you get it.

SHARE this list with anyone you know who may need a change!

1. Get out of bed.

Sounds easy, but if you're not a morning person, it's like trying to wake up a bear out of hibernation every day. Just push through, sit up and plant those feet on the floor. When you wake up, just know it's a new day.Every day is a fresh start. 

The worst feeling is waking up and dreading the day ahead of you. So don't let that happen. You're starting off with a clean slate, so make every day better than your last. Getting out of bed is an accomplishment in itself, so give yourself a pat on the back. You don't HAVE to go to work. But you do, and that's great!

2. Do something you've never done before.

Going out of your comfort zone can be hard, but the result can be amazing. 

If you're invited to a get-together but will barely know anybody... go! You might meet your future best friend. Never danced before? Join a class. Trying new things is scary, and whether you like it or not, you tried. Changing the pace of your daily life keeps you excited. Being comfortable is good too, but sometimes changing it up makes life even better.

3. Have fun.

There are a lot of things in life that stress us out, but it's important to balance the stress out with stress relievers.

Rough day at work? Call a friend and grab some drinks if you're into that. There's a time and place for fun, just make sure you're having it. Imagine a life without any fun. I almost cried too. Life is so much easier when you're enjoying yourself. 

4. Treat yourself.

Exercise and healthy eating are important, but not ALL of the time.

There comes a time when you need to reward yourself for just getting through life. A pizza, a burger, a whole bag of chips... eat up! Don't let being healthy consume your life; you need to live happily after all. Life is tough, and it's good to give yourself a special treat. Congratulations on making it through the week, buy a TV. How nice would that be? Do it (or something like that). 

5. Keep a checklist.

This might seem tedious, but it does wonders for your mood. The satisfaction of checking off something I've finished just makes my day. 

Clean the kitchen, check. Drop off dry cleaning, check. Take a shower, check. Accomplishing the simplest things can make you feel like a champion.You don't even have to write a list. Keep a mental list. Just acknowledge when you've set a task and completed it. It makes you feel more productive and happy.

6. Set some goals.

What do you want to achieve in life? What are your dreams? What are you passionate about?

Going with the flow is a great way to live, but setting a goal and watching your progression is fulfilling. Have your goals at the back of your mind as you cruise through life. That way when you make little steps towards your goal, you feel like you're on the right track. Don't let working towards them consume your life, though, because reaching our life goals takes time. It's all about the journey — have fun and keep at it.

7. Tell yourself it's going to be a good day.

This is super corny, but bear with me. If you go into a day expecting the worst, your mood will not be good. If you want it to be a good day, make it a good day. I know we all have those days we are just dreading and a good mood is just not happening, but here's a trick. 

Think of one thing you're actually looking forward to for later. Maybe you're seeing friends or maybe you're going to eat your favorite meal. Regardless, it's something to look forward to. 

8. Move that body a little.

Whether it's in the morning or late at night, get the blood flowing. The body wants nothing more than to be active. The word "exercise" used to make me go into the fetal position immediately. A push-up? Never. No thank you, I'll pass. The trick is to find a groove in movement you like. Don't even call it exercise if that helps (it helps me). 

Dance in your living room, go for a walk every day, just get that body moving. Gyms and intense workouts can be so off-putting, so find your groove and rhythm and try to keep active a couple times a week. You'll feel refreshed, and results will come.

9. Be positive.

How many times have we heard this and rolled our eyes? It's annoying to hear sometimes, but it's actually great advice.

If there is one life lesson I will remember forever, it's that everything always works out. When things look absolutely awful and life has decided to serve you a big plate of crud, don't stress. Things get bad before they get better. It's really hard, but stay positive. 

10. Keep good friends close.

It's garbage day, and you might need to take out the trash.

Harsh, but very true. If you feel like you have some toxic people in your life, they aren't worth it. If someone is the reason you're unhappy, drop them. It's hard to cut people out of your life, but sometimes that's the best solution. Don't be cruel or mean, but don't put up with negativity. 

Keep the ones you trust and love close, and don't let them go. Good friends are like shoes: it's hard to find that comfortable pair you can't go a day without. But when you find that pair, you keep them forever.

11. Get those healthy foods in that tummy.

Eating healthy can be such a miserable task for some people, myself included. It seems like so much work, right? Don't let it be.

You'd be surprised the difference a balanced breakfast, lunch, and dinner can do for your body. The change in your mood and energy is incredible. A trick you could use to achieve this goal would be to buy more healthy foods than unhealthy. I'm not saying don't buy junk food (it's necessary sometimes), but keep it light. If you don't buy unhealthy food, there won't be unhealthy food for you to eat when that post-dinner hunger hits you. I know it's hard, and I certainly struggle with it, but it is worth it.

12. Shut that brain off every once in a while.

After a long week of work, errands, and other life stuff, it's time to flick your body's off switch. 

We aren't robots, so we can't be Mr. and Mrs. Perfect 365 days of the year. Fall on the couch, shut your eyes and take a nice long rest. You deserve it.


Author: verified_user