Thursday, June 11, 2015

Photographer Takes Pug Dog On Epic Adventures

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move."– Robert Louis Stevenson

Moving through spaces is part of Jeremy Veach's wanderlust lifestyle. He's an avid traveler who happens to be a pretty amazing professional photographer too. Still, this isn't really anything new. People have been wandering the planet and documenting their experience for many moons now.

So what's so unique about this guy? Well, let's take a closer look at some of his photos.

This is Jeremy Veach and his beloved pug Norm.

These two have been together since Norm was just an 8-week-old pupper.

They're the best of friends and do everything together.

I'm not joking: These two are seriously inseparable.

Jeremy takes Norm everywhere he goes. Sometimes this means a quick road trip...

...other times it can mean major adventures!

They have traveled to mountains in Washington, beaches in Oregon, and the city streets of San Fran.

How did this all begin? Well...

The photographer has always had an affinity towards capturing the cuteness that is Norm.

He started uploading the photos to Instagram and people loved it!

Jeremy explains how Norm reacts to having his picture taken all the time: "He loves the pictures and gets really into it."

But don't worry: Norm isn't doing anything he doesn't want to do. His dad loves him very much and makes sure he's always happy.

 "And when there is something he doesn't like, I can tell, and I just will move on to a new idea."

The ideas are seemingly endless.

You can tell how attached these two are, can't you?

This is what loving animals is all about. Learn more about this adorable duo on the next page.

Their bond became so tight that Jeremy has made space in his career for Norm as well.

 Instead of just taking Norm's photos...

He takes Norm everywhere he goes! 

Doesn't that sound like the best career move ever?

He incorporates Norm into the shots and the results are simply precious.

The chronicling of their time together allows us to share in this awesomeness too.

Jeremy artistically captures Norm in their everyday life.

You can see these types of shots on the next page!

Here's Norm jumping into Dad's new wheels.

Jeremy writes: "Yesterday I got a new (old) truck, Norm was excited to hop in for the first time!"

These are the kind of shots that got Norm so popular on Instagram in the first place.

I can only imagine what they'll do for their followers next!

Do you bring your dog to work or on trips with you?

Let us know in the comments!


Author: verified_user