Wednesday, June 10, 2015

People Are Talking About Past And Current Photos Showing 'Improper' Oval Office Etiquette

Just about every story we hear these days deals in some way with the White House or the new president, Donald J. Trump. While most of these stories are dense and deal with high-level domestic and foreign policy matters, sometimes the lighter, fluffier aspects of politics are what people want to hear about. 

At various points during the Obama administration, you may have heard some people complaining about President Obama's Oval Office etiquette. Well, Oval Office manners are back in the news because of something Trump's counselor Kellyanne Conway just did. 

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The Oval Office is the place where huge decisions are made, both at the domestic and foreign levels. 

There's no doubt that this is probably the highest profile office in the world, so how are you supposed to act if you get a chance to spend time there?

Recently, people have been comparing how Obama and some in the Trump administration act when they are in this historic space. 

Why, you may ask? People on both sides have gotten pretty riled up about the way that certain individuals have treated the furniture in the Oval Office. Let's take a look at the debate...

During the Obama administration, several photos surfaced that some claimed had President Obama showing "poor etiquette" in the Oval Office. 

Here is one commonly shared photo showing him with his foot up on the Resolute Desk. 

Here is another shot of President Obama using the desk as a foot rest. 

Some have pointed out that the Resolute Desk isn't just any desk that you put your feet on. After all, it was given to Rutherford B. Hayes by Queen Victoria in 1880. 

The examples keep going on and on, and some people were pretty angry about it...

Barack was always a little laid-back, and his body language definitely showed that. 

Hmmm. What do you think?

I mean, I wouldn't put my feet on the desk if I were visiting the Oval Office, but what if you spent every day of your life in that room? People are split on the matter. 

Here's a tweet from Lou Dobbs from 2013 commenting on one of the photos. 

As you can imagine, most of the opinions concerning Obama's "bad etiquette" fell along party lines. So why is this coming back up again?

Let's see the photos bringing back the debate about what is and isn't appropriate in the Oval Office.

Recently, during a meeting with the leaders of Historically Black College and Universities, this photo of Kellyanne Conway was taken. 

As you can see, she has her heels up on the couch in a very comfortable position. 

News outlets were quick to post the series of images, and a firestorm of sorts ensued on Twitter between those who did and did not find the behavior appropriate for this historic room. 

As soon as Kellyanne's photo was shared in a negative light, those old photos of Barack Obama started resurfacing in defense of the way she sat on the couch. 

I mean, it was pretty clear that she was trying to use the couch as a way to take the best possible photo of the special occasion, to her defense. While this debate may seem somewhat petty, manners are a big deal, especially in the White House!

What do you think?

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h/t Daily Mail


Author: verified_user