Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Man Captures Insane Footage Of Furniture Flying In A Heavy Florida Storm

We've all heard the expression "raining cats and dogs" for a torrential downpour, but we've probably never heard of a situation where it would be raining furniture, right? Things always seem to get a little crazier when a good storm hits. What happens, though, when a heavy storm hits the craziest possible state, Florida? You have to remember one thing: Floridians are used to some of the most intense weather systems in the world. They are smack dab in the middle of Hurricane Alley and have experienced Hurricane Andrew and Charley, just to name a few.

In one of the most bizarre videos ever, some Floridians are caught in a storm that literally involves flying pieces of furniture. Get ready, this footage is truly incredible.

The footage captured in the video above was taken by a few guys as they looked out of their apartment building in Miami, Florida, on June 18th, 2016. As soon as the video begins, you can hear them literally freak out as piece after piece of furniture flies through the sky. The crazy thing is that they aren't just being swept off a first or second-story balcony. The patio furniture is literally flying off of balconies that are hundreds of feet up. There are sofas, white patio chairs, and just about any other type of furniture you can think of coming from every possible angle.

 As the friends watch full sofas fly through the sky, they brace for the moment that it finally reaches the street below. While the video is largely lighthearted and exciting, things get unsettling as the safety of the drivers below is in question. A patio sofa can weigh upwards of several hundred pounds, making the projectiles in this storm extremely dangerous for those below. Just imagine what it would be like for drivers to see couches and chairs falling from above? It would be horrifying, to say the least. 

This video is also a great reminder that, as a pedestrian, you should always be extremely vigilant for flying projectiles in heavy winds. Watching furniture fall from above can be funny and all when you're not in danger, but injury resulting from projectiles in the wind is serious. In fact, projectiles are thesecond-leading cause of death in hurricanes. Sorry for being a Debbie Downer everybody, but the threat is real. Be careful out there!

If you look close enough and listen to the guys at the end of the video, there seems to be a man walking around right where much of the furniture is landing. Surprisingly, it seems to be the first time in the entire video that the danger of the situation dawns upon the onlookers. What did I tell you, Floridians are used to this kind of stuff!

SHARE this incredible video with your friends on Facebook. This is just crazy. COMMENT on Facebook with the craziest thing you have ever seen in a storm. I have a feeling there will be some good stories.


Author: verified_user