Sunday, June 7, 2015

18 Times Your Life Couldn't Possibly Improve

Ever feel like life has an ace in the hole waiting for you every now and then? Probably not. Who am I kidding? 

Well, there goes the entire premise to this introduction I had been thinking about for 15 minutes. I have nothing. At all...

I guess we ought to just jump right on into this one, then? Yeah, let's do that. The folks in this article are having, like, near perfect days from what I can see. A 16th pizza roll in a pack of 15. Two Kinder Eggs in one. The kind of good luck that makes you wonder if you should call it quits while you're ahead. Lucky, lucky bastards.

1. You're about to walk into gym class and this is what you see through the window.

2. Let me tell you, friends, few days get better than that.

3. A lonely baby duck crossing the street gives you parental rights.

4. Your car didn't get crushed and now your neighborhood has a sweet tunnel-bridge.

5. When you realize you'll never be as happy as your dog is on his birthday, even though he has no concept of what a birthday is.

But least you have a dog! Lucky.

6. Can you believe this luck? Can you?

7. Wha-ha-ha-ha-haaaat?!?!?!

8. Word is that those four pink Starburst were eaten and then they ended their life. 

"This is how it ends, and I'm fine with that!" Were the last words uttered from the mouth of the happily deceased.

9. And then he bought a lottery ticket with that $2 and won $100,000. 

So...thanks, Nicole...I guess.

10. If you don't scream out "USA! USA! USA!" wherever you are, you're a part of the problem.

11. I remember that feeling...15,000 tokens on the Hungry Hungry Hippo game. I got a pencil top eraser out of it.

12. It's 1995, you move into a new house and BAM! You find these babies hiding in the attic.

13. The worst part about Kinder Eggs is that they eventually end. I couldn't imagine the devastation of having two of them end at once.

14. Have you ever seen such luck?

15. When all your (superior) competition trip over themselves and you emerge as the victor.

16. The height of pancake flipping. This is it, folks. 

17. Rage quitting Monopoly should always be done like this.

18. And The Donald hosts the debates. Make it happen, Ryan Seacrest. 


Author: verified_user