Friday, June 12, 2015

17 Things That Can Only Be Found In A Chinese Wal-Mart

I remember when we had a Chinese student come and live with us last year. We ordered in Pizza Hut and she was so shocked when she ate it; she said that the Pizza Hut in China tasted NOTHING like the one we have here. I was mystified because I just assumed that products, stores, and companies would be the same all across the world. Boy was I ever wrong. 

The Walmart in China is NOTHING like the Walmart that we know and love (or love to hate, in some cases). Of course, knowing that our cultures are so different this shouldn't have come as such a shock to me. Here are 17 products that you can only find in a Walmart in China. 

1. Pig faces. Just...PIG. FACES.

2. Seafood...that is alive...that you that you can eat it...

3. Shark heads

4. Sheep offal in a convenient bag

5. For those nights that you need three Snickers...and two batteries...

6. Any kind of egg that you can imagine

7. Bulk sections - since space is limited in a place like China, being able to select the amount that you need is important

8. Strange meats that I would never be able to identify hang

9. Diet water

10. I don't ever want to know what a "meat floss donut" consists of

11. Live frogs

12. The look on his face concerns me

13. Giant bins of unwrapped meat that everyone sticks their hands into

14. "Comfortable fat guy underwear"

15. A giant bin of sausage. Why is this not refrigerated?!

16. Bulk chips

17. Chickens feet - this looks more like something you would see in a Halloween section in one of our Walmarts

Want to read more like this? Click here to check out 14 Strange Products Only Sold In Wal-Mart In China.


Author: verified_user