If you think those people know how to loosen up and have fun, you're dead wrong. When they see others enjoying themselves, they morph into party poopers and come out with a vengeance.
1. Like this kid who won't just answer the question.
2. Or Siri, for whom this is a new low.
3. Or the mom who legit *locked* her kid's electronics.
4. The person who's obviously hiding something super fun...
5. Or whoever sucked all the fun out of this marina. What are you even there for, then?
6. This actual party pooper.
7. And the person who came up with this... questionable design.
8. The mom who livened up the party, at least.
9. And this girl who ruined the fun for everyone.
10. This doctor who's obviously had their stash raided before.
11. This beacon of negativity.
12. And this mom who's "only doing it because she loves you."
13. This person who ruined it for everyone.
14. This boss who really, really doesn't wanna hear it.
15. And this literal party pooper.