You can also see something really cool that you're not supposed to try at home every day.
It's kind of unfortunate because the first instinct when you see something awesome is to want to try it, but that pesky better judgement always gets in the way. Though I would think it's worse to never see the cool thing than to never be able to try it. So these brave Youtubers do us a great service by opening our eyes to all the dangerously cool stuff the world has to offer.
One of these YouTubers goes by TheBackYardScientist and he's going to show us what can happen when you pour molten aluminum into a big fish tank.
But he's not just filling it with water.
He's going to fill it with a bunch of these neat water beads. They're clear, they're bouncy...
And they're super absorbent.
In fact, they can absorb about 200 times their weight in water. But TheBackYardScientist's fish tank is pretty big, so he needed about three pounds of water beads to fill it all the way.
And he's joined by his faithful lab assistant.
Good to see he remembered the goggles. Safety first!
And with some molten aluminum, he's ready to go!
Although it takes four hours for the beads to absorb the water, it only takes 15 minutes to melt the aluminum he needs.
And on the next page, we'll see what happens when they all come together.
And on the next page, we'll see what happens when they all come together.
And speaking of safety, he apparently just got a face mask.
He said he bought it to appease the "safety crybabies" in his viewership.
We'll ignore that remark and just be happy he's staying safe.
So what happens when molten aluminum and a tank of water beads cross paths?
The answer is right in this video.
Collage image YouTube / TheBackyardScientist