Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Flamin' Hot Cheetos Turkey Has Arrived And Thanksgiving Is Ruined

Can we just stop with the Flamin' Hot Cheetos thing? It was funny at first, when they appeared on pizza and bagels, but messing with my Thanksgiving turkey is just crossing a line. 

It's a completely arbitrary line I just made up right this moment, but it's a line, okay?!

But really, what is this day-glo monstrosity? 

That is not a color any beautifully tasty bird should be. 

If you think this might be something you may actually like to try, the people over at Reynolds Kitchen have the recipe.

I mean, I get the idea of a crispy crust, but I'd rather have the turkey skin be nice and crisp and those Cheetos are making that impossible. 

But you know, you do you.

Whether your family likes a brined turkey cooked with garlic and rosemary, a Cheetos-coated feast, or the adventure of dropping a 20lb bird into a pot of boiling oil, the point is to spend time with family this holiday season.

And if you like this idea, but maybe not the "flamin' hot" part, feel free to raid the snack aisle for alternative crusts.

Reynolds Kitchen already has two other versions: one using ranch tortilla chips and another using crunchy onion-flavored rings. 

I may actually be able to get behind that last one...

So I still think Flamin' Hot Cheetos–crusted turkey is an absolutely insane idea, but tell me what you think in the COMMENTS and SHARE this with all your friends!


Author: verified_user