Oh baby, do I have some stereotypes for YOU.Who said the world can't be painted in black and white? That's, like, the one thing humans do best: put people onto teams and then have those teams destroy one another emotionally, physically and spiritually.
This morning, I decided to take part in this timeless tradition of divide and conquer, because I'm feeling particularly warlord-y today. Like, I can't be happy until blood is shed. Oh, I'm only joking with ya, fellas. Guys are great because despite segregating ourselves into camps, we still have the amazing ability to shake hands and buy a round of beers when all is said and done...except for the Polish. The Polish tend to hold grudges. We're working on it.
1. "I'm gonna build a super fast car" vs. "I'm gonna build a computer that's gonna build a real fast car."
2. Because this is a PG article, I'm going to let you draw any and all conclusions from this image in your own head.
3. In this case, there are three types of men. The two below, and me: the poor schmuck riding his bike in a rainstorm who's screwed either way.
4. Give them your jacket once and you've set a potentially hazardous precedent.
5. If you only knew what lived in the grout of gym showers.
6. Men vs. Gentlemen — There's a fine, yet obvious line.
7. The two types of people outside and inside a Starbucks.
8. Likes the environment + Arts degree + $20k debt vs. Likes the environment + Engineering degree + $20k saved
9. Fat and poor vs. Fat and rich
10. Alphas who pee with their pants around their ankles vs. Betas who are made uncomfortable by an alpha's presence.
11. Undergrad men vs. Post-grad men
12. Silent vs. Shameless
13. Guys who have a luscious mane of hair vs. Guys who wonder why we can land on the moon but not cure baldness.
14. A sad, pathetic, weak man vs. A ruler!
15. Bananas vs. Plantains
Collage image via Facebook / Men's Humor