Few things disrupt lives as suddenly and completely as a car accident. It all happens so quickly — if a tired, distracted, or careless driver turns at the wrong time or crosses the yellow line, your life might never be the same. And it's more common than you might think. In 2014, more than 20,000 Americans were killed in car crashes, and more than two million were injured.
So even in our ultra high-tech society, road safety is still of critical importance. So a public traffic safety group in Australia has taken a look at accident safety unlike anything we've ever seen before, and we think you'll never look at it quite the same way again.SHAREthis with your loved ones today!
Which is where Graham enters the story.
You would have to look like Graham to survive every crash.
But what's the deal with that face?
Although Graham wasn't designed as a museum piece, he will be put on display at the State Library of Victoria before being taken on a roadshow.
Check out the video below to learn more.