Thursday, March 5, 2015

This Guy Put Cheese Between Toaster Pastries And People Have Strong Feelings About It


Trailblazers don't always pick great paths to carve out, but hey, that's how we learn where to avoid. 

And when Iowa State student Chris Jorgensen blazed one heck of a culinary trail on Twitter, he found out where not to tread.

See, Chris dared to go where no one has gone before, slipping a cheese slice between a couple of toaster pastries.

He never said whether he made it on a dare or out of college student–level poverty and desperation, or if he just wanted to try something different. He just said, "You ain't from Iowa if you never had one of these."

For the record, they're generic strawberry toaster pastries from Hy-Vee. You know, just in case you want to try it yourself.

And yes, he took a bite. At least, that appears to be a genuine, adult human-sized bite, not slobbery enough for a dog bite or small enough for a little brother bite.

And sure, it doesn't exactly sound like the fresh taste sensation that will sweep the nation, but people had feelings. Strong feelings.

Really, disbelief only scratched the surface. People were cheesed off, big time (sorry).

People weren't just weirded out — they were genuinely upset at his low-budget grilled cheese sandwich.

Iowans did not want to take credit for Chris's invention, that's for sure. 

Even the Iowa State University police had to get in on the action with a little dig at Chris.

Really, if anybody had anything nice to say about Chris's tweet, it was about the plates, which apparently are Iowa classics.

And even though Chris used low-end Hy-Vee toaster pastries, the folks behind the name-brand Pop-Tarts couldn't resist commenting on Chris's creation.

I bet they didn't even try it for themselves before their tweet, either.

After a few days in a Twitter firestorm, Chris had a couple of takeaways from the experience: he had sweet Iowa plates, but people would go awfully sour over a sandwich.

What do you think of Chris's down-market sandwich? Would you take a bite? Let us know in the comments!


Author: verified_user