Sunday, March 15, 2015

12 Steps For Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes Naturally

I won't even try to hide it. My makeup bag has definitely seen better days. I have certain products that need to find their way to the garbage can and others that I've neglected. My eye shadow, blush, and bronzer brushes definitely fall into the latter category. I wash my face religiously, but this hardly matters when acknowledging how dirty and germ-filled I've let my makeup brushes become. It's never too late to turn over a new leaf, however! But it'd be nice to do so without spending a fortune on makeup brush cleaners, many of which involve harsh chemicals. Instead, I've compiled a list of tips for cleaning your makeup brushes the natural way, with products that you likely already have in your home. So if you're ready to clean up your makeup routine like me, keep on reading! 

1. Assemble Materials 

Gather up your supplies! You'll need olive oil, distilled vinegar, liquid Castile soap, warm water, a clean washcloth or paper towel, two small bowls, and of course, your dirty makeup brushes. 

2. Olive Oil

Pour a little bit of olive oil onto a clean washcloth or paper towel. 

3. Swish Around

Dip your brush's bristles in the olive oil and carefully wipe away the excess on your washcloth or paper towel. 

4. Avoid the Stem

Try to avoid getting olive oil, water, and other liquids on the "stem" of the brush. The stem is where the brush handle connects to the bristles, and this area can be quite fragile. 

5. Castile Soap

In one of your bowls, mix together some liquid Castile soap and warm water. Castile soap even comes in some yummy scents. I recommend peppermint or lavender! 

6. Dip & Swirl

Dip and swirl your brushes around in the bowl a few times. Remember to avoid dunking the stem! 

7. Massage 

Now it's time to pamper your brushes! Gently massage the bristles with your fingers and repeat a few times. 

8. Vinegar 

In your second bowl, pour in a little bit of distilled vinegar. This is known as the "cleansing" stage.

9. Rinse 

After dipping your brushes in the vinegar, rinse well with hot water. Try to ensure the water pressure isn't too powerful to avoid damaging your brushes. 

10. Pat Dry 

Gently wipe your brushes and pat dry on a clean washcloth or paper towel. Don't get too aggressive with this step! 

11. Let Air Dry 

Let your brushes air dry on their sides. Lying them down to dry naturally will protect the bristles from incorrect shaping. 

12. Repeat! 

Don't make this cleaning process a one-time thing! The more we clean our makeup brushes, the less chance there is of bacteria being transferred to our faces. Incorporate this habit into your makeup routine at least once a month to keep your face looking healthy, fresh, and clean! 


Author: verified_user