Sunday, March 15, 2015

12 Of The Most Bizarre Pictures In History

The history books have been filled with thousands of wars, elections, and technological revolutions that characterize the human experience. Taking a look at photographs of the past can offer a new and interesting perspective of the world. We like to concentrate on the inspirational or most impactful moments in history, but plenty of incredibly bizarre things have happened in the past that definitely deserve some credit.

Check out this list of 12 of the most bizarre pictures in history.

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1. A British soldier taking the surrender of a very tall German soldier in 1944.

The German stood at 7'6"!

2. Men in the Indian Himalayas inflating cow skins to be used as boats (1903).

3. President George H.W. Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger going for a sled ride in 1991.

4. An American soldier holding up a giant jungle centipede during the Vietnam War in 1967.

5. Drew Barrymore lighting Stephen King's cigarette in 1984.

Drew Barrymore has a long history of substance abuse that began very early in her life.

6. A Prohibition raid in 1929.

Prohibition agents poured the alcohol from an illegal distillery in Detroit out of a third-story window and onto the streets. 

7. Hitler at the podium during the announcement of the Volkswagen Beetle in the 1940s.

But there's more...

8. Here's Adolf getting a VW for his 50th birthday.

Can't quite tell whether he likes it or not...

9. Three young girls skating past a completely leveled portion of Essen, Germany in 1949. The damage resulted from heavy allied bombing raids. 

Notice they are only wearing one skate each. Times were tough in post-war Germany.

10. An ancient Roman corpse exhumed from catacombs in Rome, Italy.

The bodies were decorated with tons of jewels.

11. Joseph Stalin is captured in an off-record photo taken by his bodyguard Vlasik.

12. German Infantry General Anton Dostler in preparation to be executed for war crimes (1945).

Dostler ordered the unlawful execution of 15 U.S. soldiers who were captured during the war. The men were to be kept as prisoners of war and not executed because they were captured in uniform. 

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