Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This Mom Found Pictures Of Her Baby Bump On A 'Preggophilia' Site

Social media provides us with an endless number of avenues to share our photos and stories with the world.

One extremely popular phenomenon is the famous "bump pic."

Women take photos of their lovely growing bumps through each week of pregnancy, documenting the metamorphosis of their gorgeous bods.

Harmless, right?

Well, sometimes no.

Meg Ireland, a blogger from Australia, was in complete shock when her friends found her bump pics on a porn site. Yes. A porn site.

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This is Meg Ireland.

She's a blogger and a mom from Australia who has a lot to say.

She has two adorable children that she brought into this world with love.

After discovering her son had a severe peanut allergy, she started a blog about dealing with a food allergy and life in general.

The blog is called The Shutupmeg Blog, and it's very open and honest.

Meg describes herself as "a food loving allergy mum with a touch of Bogan. Here you'll find tasty allergy friendly food ideas and honest mum rants."

Meg documented her pregnancies with beautiful photos of her growing bump.

Innocently, she posted these photos on a popular pregnancy website.

Years later, her friends found pictures of her baby bump somewhere she did not expect. It was terrifying...

Fifteen of Meg's pregnancy photos had been uploaded to a "preggophilia" porn site.

"Preggophilia," or pregnancy fetishism, is a phenomenon where individuals achieve sexual arousal by the sight of pregnant woman. This fetish also extends to women who appear pregnant, are lactating, or are actually giving birth.

Case in point — preggophilia porn websites are abusive, disgusting, and exploiting. 

Meg began, "I see so many people upload their bump pics and now I just gasp and hope to god they don't get into the hands of someone they shouldn't.

"We shouldn't have to worry about people stealing our photos, but unfortunately it happens ALL THE TIME!

"When I was scrolling through this god awful site trying to find where this thread was, I saw some pretty f****d up s***. 

"People who were uploading pictures of their wife to other users, brother in laws uploading pictures of their sister in laws and women uploading pictures of their work colleagues!!! I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Who was I to blame for this? People would say I should only blame myself for uploading 'personal pictures' and that it was my own fault (even though my profile was then private). 

"I see it differently. I didn't care that someone had screen shot my photo to show someone, it's was what they did with my photo/s that made me physically sick to my stomach.

"WHYYY should we have to sit and worry about this when uploading a photo on our social media sites?"

Meg is one of many victims of this fetish.

Sexual activity and/or nudity aren't always part of the fetish. 

It's more about the obsession about different aspects of pregnancy.

“It never occurred to me that people would be totally into a tired, hormonal sweat ball. 

"But they are, so please be aware when sharing pictures online of a growing baby belly.”

So how does Meg feel about posting photos online now?

"Please be cautious about who follows/adds you. Block them if they look like a creepy MF."

"Moral of the story, I totes want another bubba and a big Ol' belly like this again! 😫😫"

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Author: verified_user