Monday, February 2, 2015

14 Uses For Everyday Objects That You Probably Haven't Heard About

Hey! Put down that unitasker! Don't you know that there are better ways to get things done around your house than buying yet another specialty tool that you'll use once and then misplace in the junk drawer? Use what you have on hand already, and not only will you save money, but you'll help the environment by recycling the things you already have instead of adding more to the bin.

1. Use a rubber band to get at the stubborn screw.

Sometimes you need just that little bit of extra grip to remove a stuck screw. A spare elastic band is just the thing to help!

2. Get gunk off your iron with salt.

Sticky build-up on your iron can transfer onto your clothes, but it's easy to clean off. Sprinkle some salt onto a heatproof surface, turn the iron on, and run it over the rough surface. 

3. An onion makes a great grill scrubber.

Instead of the metal brush, rub half an onion on your hot grill to remove any gunk. Then just slice off the dirty layer of onion and use the rest for your burgers.

4. Use olive oil on a creaky hinge.

Skip the WD-40 and instead go for a natural lubricant on those old doors. 

5. Remove smells with newspaper.

Crumpled newsprint is surprisingly good at collecting odors. For stubborn shoes, fridges, or other enclosed spaces, just stuff the sports section inside and leave overnight. 

6. Newsprint is also great in the garden.

A layer of newspaper under your mulch will improve its weed-blocking, but you can also use it to prep a new garden bed for next spring. In the fall, spread newsprint over the part of your lawn you want for the new garden. Cover with mulch and soak through with water. Come spring, the grass will have been forced out and you'll have fresh soil. 

7. Keep your cushions in place.

If you need to cut a rug mat smaller, don't discard the leftovers. Instead, put them under you couch cushions to keep them from sliding off.

8. Plastic straws keep chains from tangling.

Man, I wish I'd known about this before the necklace knot had formed in my jewelry box. I'll definitely use it once I have the wherewithal to untangle them all again.

9. Save your Coffeemate lids.

Turns out they fit mason jars perfectly! Keep them handy for your hot chocolate bar when you have guests over in the fall.

10. Clean your dishwasher with lemonade Kool-Aid.

The citric acid will break up those stains and your dishwasher will smell good, too.

11. Diffuse your flash with a coffee filter.

Don't let a photo be ruined because your flash is too bright. 

12. Put a penny in your vase.

Cut flowers will last longer if you put a penny or two in the water with a spoonful of sugar. The copper acts as an acidifier, which stops bacteria from growing.

13. Coca-Cola can clean a burnt pot.

If you've burnt dinner to the pan, a soak in your favorite soft drink will loosen everything easily. 

14. Pipe cleaners can keep your clothes on their hangers.

No more having to rehang those silky blouses every time you open the closet door!

Got any other tips for using those odds and ends around the house? If so, share them in the COMMENTS!


Author: verified_user