Monday, February 2, 2015

16 Things To Bring Your Vacay From 'No Way' To 'Okay'

Vacation time is like no other time we get. Whether you're relaxing on the beach or out for a brand new adventure in a whole new world, we all need a little time to unwind however we see fit. There are, however, a few stresses that can come with travel. Packing, timing, checking into the hotel, figuring out what you're gonna do with your life, tons! Well, whatever the case may be for you, I hope these handy-dandy tips help you on your journey. If nothing else, they're at least good for a laugh! 

1. That amazing feeling of leaving work far, far behind

2. Are you sure you've packed everything? Yep!

3. You don't want to be caught unprepared, so just in case...

4. And if you're going to drive yourself, remember: just because the GPS told you to take that turn, doesn't always mean it's right...

Now that we're ready to go, let's jump into this vacation thing! 

5. Most hotels have wifi these days, but some need a little work to find, apparently.

6. Always nice to send pics of what you're up to, if not to just rub it in a little ;)

7. But mostly, I like to just relax from ma legs to-ma-toes!

Alright, let's hit the beach!

8. Definitely be aware of potential thieves! 

9. Meet new folks, make new friends!

10. Just don't forget the SUNSCREEN! 

Next, I wanna talk about how to make those vacation pics extra special...

11. Never flee from a good photo opportunity! 

12. A simple, highly effective way to spruce up any vacation photo!

13. And if you don't have dinosaur toys or friends, try following this smart girl's lead:

And here are our last few pieces of advice...

14. Do a bit of research into where you're going. For example, if it's Australia, expect this:

15. Don't be afraid to try new things or doing something totally extreme 

16. And it's always good to remember the things you've left behind and don't have to worry about


Author: verified_user