Tuesday, February 17, 2015

16 Olympic Fails Worth Laughing At

The Rio Summer Olympics are in full swing, and due to the sheer importance of this event that only comes once every four years, we on Diply's Humor team believe it would negligent of us not to address it. The summer games are a proving ground for athletes who don't get very much exposure. Olympians spend years preparing for what is, in most cases, a single moment to prove their worth and achieve greatness in the process, all while inspiring a future generation of athletes. 

Amid the victories, however, are stories of crushing defeat. And as much as we'd prefer to celebrate the triumphs, there's nothing really funny about winning. That being said, I don't feel great about laughing at people who have worked their lives through blood, sweat and tears only to have it all come crumbling down in the blink of an eye, but too bad. These Olympic fails will make you feel bad for laughing, but you'll laugh anyway. 

1. Only a day in and Australia is pulling ahead

2. What happened to Kyle Lowry's other shoe?

3. It was at this very moment that she knew she messed up

4. Arguably the worst time to be experiencing an equipment malfunction

5. Way to take one for the team

6. Oh boy

7. The guy on the far left just watched two runners go down and has chosen not to be the third

8. Wardrobe malfunction 

9. When you're useless and you know it

10. He did everything in his power not to jump this hurdle

11. Nailed it!

12. Take it as a sign

13. Leave it up Rio to build taps and no sinks

14. Probably not the dismount he had planned, but a memorable one nonetheless

15. Couple a' naked swimmers hanging out at the Olympics

16. Last but not least, the water in Rio

...One more example for good measure


Author: verified_user