Have you ever eaten a spicy taco and, like, two or three hours later, you suddenly have to poop? Like, need to poop real bad? And then you start sweating and walking like a penguin in a panicked state. Eventually, you accept the fact you're going to poop your pants. You look around for a bush or an empty restaurant while your mind races to decide who you're going to call when you feel the poop stream down the back of your leg.
You ever have that kind of spicy taco revenge before?
Good. Me too.
This article is basically people getting spicy taco revenge on other people. It's awesome because this time, we're not on the receiving end of spicy taco revenge, so we can laugh. It's awesome being able to laugh at the shortcoming of others, right?
1. You want to sit on my laptop when I'm doing work? Fine...
2. I'd pay to see this movie.
3. In 2016, it's not worth parking like a douche. We, as a society, have decided it's okay to get revenge on these people.
4. I never knew I wanted to do this until now.
5. I like this line of thinking.
6. You messed with the wrong gamer.
7. Alright, it's betting time. Was this photo taken at: A) Monster truck show B)
Lynyrd Skynyrd ConcertLet us know in the comments section!
8. Never mess with the guy in the backhoe.
I will exact revenge on YOU if you don't click through to the next page.
9. Revenge of the nerds. Classic.
10. Here's to hoping she bought 24-year-old male strippers.
11. At least this is a true emotion being expressed on Valentine's Day. Not the typical "I love you because Hallmarks tells me to love you on this day in particular" crap.
12. I've considered stabbing lovers after a fart on bean and meat taco night.
13. Sometimes, telling her she's right is the greatest revenge there ever was.