1. Apparently, this is a popular one
That means when you break up, you might still be able to find someone else with the other half. And thank god for that. Otherwise, you would have looked like a total idiot...
2. What happens when you part ways and become just an olae and a sumt?
3. Really?
I'm almost certain those tattoos hurt and they are certainly not beautiful
6. Why do couples think it's romantic to compare themselves to a pair of spoiled suicidal kids?
8. WTF, these look like the stickers my third-grade teacher would put on my homework
9. "Our love is a journey starting at forever and ending at never"
I call it an ugly bicep tattoo with a cringeworthy quote
10. So when you're not holding hands, it just looks like you both have giant ugly thumb moles...
11. Because there's not already going to be enough regret, let's make it a three-way tattoo
12. You could just have washed them instead of getting a goddamn tattoo
13. Christopher seems to be the only one with common sense here
14. If this is love, I hope I'm forever alone
15. Some of you might argue that there are ways are removing tattoos now a days...
But this is as permanent as it gets
16. Some "catches" you later regret
For example chlamydia or this tattoo
17. Yeah...I like toast too, but really?
18. Oh great, more herpes tattoos...
Although it looks like the disease has migrated downward
19. Flaming pentagrams...relationship goals anyone?
I'm not sure if the next one is a John Lennon reference or just a really bad decision
22. And finally our worst couple tattoo might just be the best