Monday, January 26, 2015

15 Ridiculously Necessary Labels

There was a children's movie that I really enjoyed when I was younger about a thief. At one point in the film, the thief climbs all the way up a mountain to steal some precious golden balls. He makes it to the top and is so close to grabbing them, and then he slips and falls all the way back down the mountainside. 

As he falls, he starts to hit sign after sign warning people of the steepness of the cliff. Naturally, he gets fed up with being bonked in the face with all these signs and he says, "They should have a sign 'beware of signs!'" I always thought that that was so funny because that would be ridiculous and unnecessary. 

Apparently, there are people in the world that need a sign warning them to be aware of signs. 

1. There is nothing else even written on the back! 

How difficult can it be to figure out what to do with these? 

2. I want to believe whoever designed this mug is joking, but you never know these days. 

Although it is Vonnegut, so maybe they are trying to be cheeky. 

3. This was a mental image that I did not need. 

4. It's good to have a scale to work from, ya know? 

5. So, these are instructions for a hair straightener that have been translated from Korean to English. 

6. I always think it is important to have brand awareness.

It's nice that this company knows what microwave soup is really about. 

7. Just like all watermelons, I assume. 

8. The most accurate instructions in existence, if you ask me. 

I want to believe in being environmentally friendly, but what about dirty clammy hands? 

9. OH, you don't say! 

10. This is literally the WebMD of advertisements. 

I feel like I need to go to the hospital now. 

11. Well, that isn't very neighborly, now is it? 

12. I have definitely been in public bathrooms where this sign could have been used, but I feel like this should go without saying. 

13. Are they serious with this?! 

Where do these keys take you that you have to protect their secrets? 

14. Now, who on EARTH would ever want to slap a panda? 

15. How could she have been so foolish? Clearly it isn't pink! 


Author: verified_user