Saturday, May 19, 2018

Angelina Jolie Stopped Her Car For These Two Random Kids

Angelina Jolie is a name and face that everybody instantly recognizes. She's someone that everybody wants to talk about from her magazine covers to her movies to her beautiful and wonderful family. She's not only known as a celebrity but also as a humanitarian and activist. Seriously, how does she find time to raise her family, direct and act in movies and also be an Ambassador of the United Nations?! She's superwoman! And she proved it again today by making headlines when she did another act of kindness. She surprised two kids on the street with a very kind gesture. Read on to find out what Angelina did!

It's no wonder people of the internet call Angelina Jolie "Saint Angelina."

She's not just an actor or a celebrity. She takes her fame seriously and decides to use it for good. She's constantly trying to bring awareness to injustices in the world! 

You go, Angie!

She works with the UN and supports at least 29 charities through her foundation, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation. 

And she's outdone herself again! Wait until you find out what she's done this time out of the goodness of her heart!

Tim Alexander was a father trying to teach his twin sons, Allen and Brandon, a lesson in business. 

The twin boys had a massive (8 and a 1/2 feet tall!) teddy bear named Big Bear that they had outgrown. Tim told Allen and Brandon that they had to sell it.

So the boys took to the curb with a for sale sign just waiting for someone to buy the bear. They waited for over an hour without anyone stopping by! 

And then a car pulled over and Angelina Jolie gets out of the car along with their daughter Shiloh (who prefers to be called John). 

At first, the boys didn't recognize Angelina at all. She simply introduced herself as "Angie" and said that they were good at doing their job. 

They were just happy that someone wanted to buy Big Bear! 

They only found out when their dad told them that she was the actress from Kung Fu Panda

They told Angelina that Big Bear cost $50 but they got the surprise of their life when she gave them $50 each!

The kids of the Jolie-Pitt household are going to be happy with the latest addition in their family! SHARE if you love when you find out that your fav celebs are the nicest! 


Author: verified_user